in&ma is a holder of the ERASMUS+ Higher Education Charter awarded within the framework of European programmes and is committed to an increasingly dynamic and enhanced i international policy.
In&ma responds to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and its flagship initiatives with "a strategy for new skills and new jobs":
- improving the level of key aptitudes and skills,
- improving the quality, innovation, excellence and internationalisation of education and training institutions,
- promoting the emergence and awareness of a Europe characterised by lifelong learning,
- strengthening the international dimension of education and training,
- improving language training and learning.
These grants are awarded to learners participating in study and work placement mobilities and depend on the annual global envelope allocated by Europe and the number of participants. A student may receive several Erasmus grants for periods of study and/or work placement mobility up to a maximum total duration of 12 months per study cycle, regardless of the number and type of mobility activities.
See the attachment below for scholarship rates (these are reviewed annually).
In&ma adopts an inclusive approach allowing equal opportunities and equal access, inclusion, diversity, and equity throughout its activities in order to improve accessibility for persons facing potential barriers: disabilities, health, education and training issues, cultural, social, economic, and geographical differences as well as barriers related to discrimination.
ERASMUS+ provides specific financial support to these target groups whose participation in mobility would be impossible without additional funding.
Process :
- After the application and selection phase, the International Programmes Department carries outa needs analysis with the participant and an estimate of the real costs incurred by potential obstacles.
- in&ma provides a flat-rate financial supplement to the contribution to accommodation costs.
See the website for more information: https://www.agence-erasmus